Code of Conduct
We have great confidence in your ability to achieve your professional responsibilities. This code of conduct outlines our expectations regarding team member behavior and applies to all L.O.C team members, regardless of employment rank.
Team members must preserve the legality of our company by complying with the law. We expect employees to act ethically and responsibly when dealing with company property, coworkers, and public image. Team members are to respect one another and refrain from discriminatory behavior (i.e. harassment, victimization, etc.) All team members must show integrity and professionalism while at work.
Absenteeism & Tardiness
In order to ensure customer satisfaction, L.O.C requires all team members to be punctual, consistent, and reliable. Punctuality is especially important for a delivery business, therefore, repeated tardiness will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary actions (see disciplinary actions below). Team members are responsible for adhering to their agreed upon schedule. Start times indicate the time at which employees must be clocked in and ready to begin work.
L.O.C understands that unforeseen circumstances occasionally arise that may result in tardiness or absenteeism. In this case, team members must call to inform management (the earlier the better).
Corruption & Disciplinary Action
L.O.C strictly prohibits team members from making unauthorized sales or transactions. Conflicts of interest that might impact a team members willingness to perform their job duties must be avoided. We forbid team members from taking bribes in any form. Team members who repeatedly or intentionally break the L.O.C code of conduct may face consequences such as demotion, suspension, or termination for more serious offenses. In cases of theft, corruption, embezzlement, or other unlawful behavior, L.O.C reserves the right to take legal action and will prosecute to the full extent of the law.